I originally had a different DP in mind, but when it didn't work after all and I went looking for a replacement, this one turned up. It fits nicely into the colour scheme (with its one-hundred-and-ninety-four-and-a-half different colours), and best of all: the pattern looks like a radiation hazard warning sign! You might wonder why that's a good thing for a baby card? I understand your concern. Well, both the giver, the reciever, and myself included, works with ionizing radiation... It's a bit of an inside joke I guess. ;) I just couldn't resist.
So the radiating (haha) DP is from the Kioshi stack by BG. Love that stack, you'll definitely see more of it. The embellishments have been plucked from here, there and everywhere... Prisma and chalk colouring. The paper doily behind the stamped image is actually a doily that came under the espresso cup at a restaurant I went to in Oslo this spring! Keep your eyes peeled and crafting supplies will pop up out of nowhere! *lol*
Sånt et nydelig kort :) Heldig er den som får kortet!