A little while back i gave my two old Ikea cork boards a little make-over! They were just way too dark and boring in my new white appartment. For a more detailed look at what I did, check out
the how-to I posted at
Cut Out +Keep. I just wanted to share a couple of pictures of it here too - it seems that all my recent posts have been about blog candys and cards. Variation is wonderful!
Of course, now it is so full of cards and pictures that the board is nearly completely hidden. As it should be!

Lay wadding and fabric on the cork board and hot glue them to the reverse side. Lay out the silk ribbon diagonally and hot glue to reverse side. Repeat in the other direction.

Ready for sewing. The push pins keep the ribbon in place while working, I just removed one by one as I started to sew.

Reverse side (sequin prevents the nylon thread from digging into the cork)

The ugly reverse side. Wadding, fabric and silk ribbon hot glued to the cork, very messy but noone will see it, right? Oh, except everyone reading this... Oh well.

The not-so-ugly front side. The nylon thread comes up in each intersection, passes through the sequin and a bead, and goes down through the sequin again and back to the reverse side.
I went with silver, grey and crisp white, but imagine it in a floral print and vintage buttons... Or a dramatic red and black? :)
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