I've knitted more baby socks than I'm able to keep track of, but this is my first pair of socks for adults. You can say I'm bitten by the bug by now! There are already a few more recipes on my list. Please visit my
Ravelry project page for recipe link and details.
I started with a very simple recipe, and still learned a lot doing these. The next pair will have to have some more detail though. Got to keep it interesting! ;) Oh, and the last thing I learned was that it's
nearly impossible to take decent photos of my own sock-wearing feet! ;)
This short-row toe is so fascinating! There's this magic moment when something flat becomes something round and the cast-on edge disappears. There's no apparent start or finish to this toe, and everyone who sees it is equally puzzled by this phenomenon.
The heel is knitted in exactly the same way as the toe, making this a very easily memorized recipe.

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