I had some leftover yarn after the purple knitted slippers for my sister in law, and decided to throw in a pair of simple wrist warmers as well. Anything to get rid of as many yarn leftovers as possible, right? :P I weighed the yarn before starting so I could use as much as possible, and in the end all I have left is a couple of meters! It was a bit scary to almost run out of yarn as I neared the end of the second one... ;)

An asymmetrical increase provides room for the thumb. Making the increase asymmetrical was a choice I made to create a better fit, but forced me to do some hard thinking when making the second wrist warmer... :P The picture below shows how that decision also creates a very smooth outside without any seams or colour shifts.
Details on my Ravelry page as usual. It might, in time, include details there about how I made them, but it will probably read more as notes than a complete recipe...

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