Having spent ages and ages and ages on my advent calendar, and having to finish four knitting projects before Christmas, I quickly decided to keep this year's christmas cards to a minimum. This is the concept - they are all alike on the outside except different pattern papers. I used TPC Studio papers, they are gorgeous and glittering - and because they match perfectly in colour I could keep everything else exactly the same! One PP gave me 6 cards. The lovely stamp is embossed in white to make it stand out well. The inside is just decorated with a couple of stamps in silver ink. Super effective, time-saving and cost-effective. :) I made the first batch of 15 in a single evening with some friends.
When I go blog surfing and find all these gorgeous and amazing christmas cards I sometimes feel like I should feel guilty for making mine so simple... But it's a matter of prioritising precious time and I don't regret my choice one instant. ;) After all, they're hand made and written with love and care!
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